Mattsen Custom Resonator GuitarsMattsen Custom Resonator Guitars
Mattsen handmade guitars Mattsen handmade guitars

Brass Singlecone

The bright tone of Brass gives long sustained notes and that classic Resonator sound.


This model is a 14 frets to the body Brass Resonator Guitar. It comes in 3 different finishes, Polished Brass, Antique Brass and Nickel plated. The Neck is Mahogany or Curly Maple with a Rosewood Fingerboard. The Headstock is veneered with Maple Burl and then Inlayed with Brass. The Tuners are by Waverley. I also make a Cutaway model for greater access to the upper frets and add pickups suited to your requirements.

Brass SingleconeBrass Singlecone #8521
Brass SingleconeBaritone Singlecone #9523
